the world's largest wine store

Is now simple, fun, and informative. Jeff helped transform from a basic utilitarian wine warehouse into an award-winning Ecommerce platform. Redesigning the website multiple times, creating a highly engaging experience across all platforms was just the beginning. The goal was to rethink the whole wine purchasing experience, empowering the customer with multitiered information, deep filters, and powerful search. All while adding a human element with personal sooms and live chat. now demystifies wine for the novice while enhancing the cellars of the enthusiast.

Senior Product Designer
Creative Director
Website Redesign
Brand Refresh
App Design

Logo & Brand refresh

Before we moved forward with the website we decided to tackle the the aging brand with a refresh. We brought "Wine guy" out of the 90's by slimming him down and simplifying the color palette.

Updated Styleguide

LO-FI UX Wireframes

Initial Redesign

The first challenge in the initial redesign was to make the experience feel warm and engaging with a clear brand message. The second was to add personalization and better engagement. Our solution was personalized wine recommendations with powerful search tools and a much more intuitive and informative navigation. Today has consistently sustained 20% growth year over year since the initial site redesign, sales have now exceeded all expectation. We did this by streamlining all user flows while adding deeper more engaging ways to learn about wine. New features such an updated ratings system, and My Wine personalization, increased engagement while lowering the drop rate significantly. A simplified checkout experience coupled with personalized onramps, recommendations and overall reduced friction. We have seen consistent increases in customer conversion, satisfaction and lower customer service requests.

Mobile Wine & Scanner

For the second version of we designed a fully responsive website, to our surprise the mobile version quickly matched desktop sales and within two years overtook it in sales. We decided to create a stand alone app with the addition of a wine scan feature. Today the app is the second most popular wine app on iOS and accounts for over two thirds of all sales.

Picked by

Jumping into the red hot wine subscription space posed many challenges for, the brand evolved with mounds of qualitative data provided from months of customer research. Prototypes, and focus shifts lead us to a unique place in a crowded segment. We defined and refined the brand with a cross generational illustration style with a mid century flare. We also created an extremely personalized customer experience with direct communication between the customer and their personal soom.

Additional Projects